
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Purposeful living

Living your life right. Remember you are born to fill a vacuum in life. Begin to live the life you were created for. It is lack of identity that makes you want to be like another person if you know your true inheritance in Christ you will not thrive to pattern your life after a TV celebrity. Lack of identity will make you to think that  if you were born in a rich man's house your life will have been better. Riches is good but it can only buy you bed and not sleep, doctors and no health, cars and not safe journey. Riches and fame can grow wings and fly away like a bird so do not depend on them. There is a great entity that can give you all this but you must first seek after him and it is only through one entity you can seek after him. His name is Jesus it is only in Him that you can find true riches and fulfilment accept him today and you are sure to have a smooth ride to an eternal life just make Him the driver of your life and relax while he drives you to safety.

Think Positively

Making a difference. Remember as a man thinketh in his mind so is he: It a bright new day friends make sure you try your best to make meaningful use of your time, you can only reap what you sow, please be wise, use your time wisely. Please change what and the way you think; think positively today and beyond and smile to yourself at the end. Believe that you can do that thing that looks impossible, believe in yourself but foremost believe in the word of God because it is the power that can change your destiny. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Creating A Positive Image

Breaking free from low self esteem. The sun shines at day and the moon shines at night. Every breaking of the day brings a new beginning. Forget about the mistakes of yesterday and think of a greater tomorrow. Someone might be better than you today but do not cheat yourself by thinking he or she is better than me "I cannot be good as him or her", work on your self esteem and carry yourself with dignity because there is only one person on earth with that personality and that person is you. Even though the sun shines brighter than the moon yet each one serves its own purpose. Discover you purpose in life and you will never be at the mercy of self pity.

Wisdom Nuggets

Get inspired today. Do not celebrate your achievement has a master in any field you occupy in kosmos. If you haven't affected a life positively with that which you possess in you. Man by providence has been given the power to change his world; I believe that through the power of meditation, man can achieve great feats. That you are not loved by everyone doesn't make you a nobody, it only means you are not in their class of reasoning. So my dear friend leave them alone rather than trying to impress them and mingle with people who appreciate you for who you are. Never give up, just keep pushing and refiring, history is about to begin with you, the writers are waiting to write your biography. Just keep your focus on what you believe in and never relent because the story has just begun. You are born to create a difference and the difference start now. You are giving everything to  succeed in life, it only depends on your view of life, if you see it as a place o

Live your Life and no another's

Get out of the local niche My dad gave me this piece of advice while growing up and it has helped  me thus far; he said, " Never pretend to be who you are not because you do not know who might want to help". If you are around folks that do not accept you for who you are then just turn your back and walk head straight up. Do not try to bend to their rules because that implies you are living another person's life at the detriment of yours. You deserve to be celebrated and it is only those that value your real self that can celebrate you truly.

Follow Through Process

Following through process of time. Don't loose focus of the vision you have and never get weakened on the way; though many might run past you on the track of destiny, never be discourage, because there is an appointed time and an appointed end. Just focus on that which you are doing because you will surely get there. Remember with consistent effort and dedication you will actualize those dreams. Failure is never a killer engine, it is a motivator for success. The process wouldn't have been right if failure wasn't involved. The beauty of a gold is only seen after it has pass through the furnace. Learn and grow from your failure in life and business but most importantly you will be the most wisest person on earth by learning from others failure and success.

Live Today: Do the needful

Don't waste your time worrying and complaining.  Looking back at yesterday I wonder how one travels through the journey of life. The pains, shames are all gone with the day. When you had no money yesterday you easily forget and focus more on today.           Focusing on the pains of yesterday and neglecting the chances and opportunities that comes with today will only leave you remaining a pitied man. Time is an asset given to all by providence, its does not matter whether you are wealthy or poor, learned or illiterate. Time gives equal chances to all but it takes a man of great wisdom to harness the opportunities and chances that comes with each moment. Been moody all day and complaining that you were not born with silver spoon will leave you remaining in that same spot decade to come and you know what; the unborn generation will also curse you the same way you are cursing your parent because you never did anything to turn the tides, wake from your slumber and paddle your cano

Dream Come Alive

"I have a dream"                                                 I  woke up one bright morning, full of strength and youthful splendour. I have a dream to tread where the lion has not dare to tread, to take flight to the highest place where the eagles cannot reach, to dive into the deepest part where no sea creature has dare to live, to fulfil a dream dreamt by pass generations. I have a dream but then came the glamour of darkness and fear seize my soul like the grip of death and fear tormented my soul that my spirit seems to leave my body, then I wished for death and my spirit dies within me. I have a dream but then came the terror of darkness to torment my soul and like a mighty raging storm that swept a ship so fear swept away my dream and like a great earthquake so fear swallowed up my dream. Now I am unguarded like a mighty nation without a wall, no drive in my spirit, alive but a moving corpse, with eyes but no vision, helpless like a caged lion.  I have a dre

Purposeful Living

Finishing strong The measures of a man is not in assets gotten. The true definition of a man is  not in his high standard of living. You might be the richest man in your tribe or countryside yet still not rich towards your potentials, purpose, dreams, visions, callings and pursuit. If you are living less of what you are created for then you are but a living corpse, running a race without making impacts or leaving a mark of recognition down on the track. If you are not living for that which you are created for then you are just a creation and not existing, because the vacuum you are meant to occupy is still void. It is only low self esteem pushing people around that will make one leave his track and be competing with another on his lane for a crown which is not his to be kept. No one is competing with you on your lane, the crown at the finish line was just made to fit only you. I did see the foolishness displayed by a young fellow, left his lane to run in another's track, been c


Achieving dreams Focus on the right path, do not relent in your walk towards achieving your dreams. You are the only one that saw the dream and with you only is the power to bring it into reality. Everyone are running on their own track and man's mind is clouded with selfishness and gain. If a man is helping you to achieve your dreams, then it is either he has achieved his or he has a stake on yours. It only takes a man that does not reason as a man to help you hold the ladder to reach up there when he is still down there.

A beckoning.

Awaiting manifestation and an upward responsibility There is a path which the lion had not dared to tread,there is a depth which the whale had not dare to dive,there is an height which the eagles has not dare to reach. There is a nature call for reformation and restoration, Creatures cries at the depth of foolishness displayed by the inhabitant of earth. The creatures waits, been subject to pain and agony, awaiting in hope for the time of their release. Boundaries and limit are set that only Wisdom can scale through. The extent to which man as a being as ever tried to reach is as far as the limit set. There is a higher calling and a voice rising from the depth and height beyond this limits. Wisdom calls out to the sons of men, but it's quite unfortunate that they will only follow after hypothesis, proven theories, laws of nature. Wisdom calls out from the deep, watching if anyone cares to pay attentions to her words. There is indeed a depth, height that the greatest creature h

How do you feed?

What's your meal like? What do u feed the flocks in your care with? "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him,"Yes Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, Feed my lambs, Tend my sheep. The same work committed into man's hand in the beginning. Now the sons of men are now the garden, the husbandman is the Lord and we are His co-labourers. For we are the plantings of the Lord and also the sheep of his pasture. So man of God, will you do that which was entrusted into your hand. Will you let the people see the need for them to always have a chitchat with the Father or will you rather give to them of the tree of knowledge of good and evil constantly by your message,so that their weakness, nakedness is exposed and they hid them self daily from the Father. So that the glory is diminished. In the presence of the Father is light and in his presence is also a purifying fire. Show them unto the Father. If the light from the pr

Get It Right: It's a message with simplicity but power

Applying the right dosage For the excellency of power is not in words but in demonstration. The excellency of knowledge is not in acquiring  it but in it right application by getting wisdom. In the simplicity of the gospel is the power thereof. For all have sin and the message of the gospel which is good tidings to all men; is that all has also been justified. Shalom!

Depressed? There is always a shinning light at the end of the tunnel

Getting out of depression Looking back at yesterday, I wonder how I was able to scale through all those inferiority complex syndrome I had. I always taught life was a bed of roses with people enjoying their life right from birth, but I later found out that it's not always that way. You surely need face challenges and this involves taking risk in every situation you find yourself in. Struggling with the situation only leaves you in a depressed state. A holy book says 'a merry heart does like medicine". You need not worry, because that would never change the situation, but you sure need to take the risk for your happiness.

Drawing inspiration from nature

How the creatures explains our Christian faith This morning as I was meditating, the verse of the Scripture in Hebrews 13 vs 22 that says we have come unto Mount Zion and unto the living God.............  and to an innumerable company of angels came up in my spirit and at the same time an illustration was placed before me using the host of heavens, that is; the sun, moon and stars. Now, we need to know that all of the creatures of God were not just put into being they are serving a purpose, they denote and make us see a dimension of God. That is why I usually say that the dimension of God you want to see can be seen in your fellow man. God has deposited Himself in man and now we as believers are His flavour to our fellow men. Now when we say a man has grace, what it means is that He has a flavour of God in him which makes things in the spirit to respond to him because of his smell, his flavour. So it is the flavour that he reveals to men and when they smell it, they call him 'A

Knowing God

This is the beauty of the christian journey After 4 years of being in faith and all I could boast of are the prayer sessions and hours of study I have enjoyed, then I asked myself is this all about the christian life? What really lies in the inner court that He paced the way for us to walk and live in? What does He really wants from me? More than the fastings, prayers, studies, fellowship with brethren, evangelism/soul winning e.t.c What is His desire? The inner life He is calling me into, what does He expect from me. If you search within, you will know that there is more to preaching and the various services we render. He is beckoning on us all to come into the inner court ,for in there is great searching of heart and transformation into his nature. For we behold Him as He is,surrendering absolutely all, being dead to self image and laying hold of the eternal life we behold. For there is no transformation unless we behold Him and there is no beholding if our eyes are still fix