Drawing inspiration from nature

How the creatures explains our Christian faith

This morning as I was meditating, the verse of the Scripture in Hebrews 13 vs 22 that says we have come unto Mount Zion and unto the living God.............  and to an innumerable company of angels came up in my spirit and at the same time an illustration was placed before me using the host of heavens, that is; the sun, moon and stars. Now, we need to know that all of the creatures of God were not just put into being they are serving a purpose, they denote and make us see a dimension of God. That is why I usually say that the dimension of God you want to see can be seen in your fellow man. God has deposited Himself in man and now we as believers are His flavour to our fellow men. Now when we say a man has grace, what it means is that He has a flavour of God in him which makes things in the spirit to respond to him because of his smell, his flavour. So it is the flavour that he reveals to men and when they smell it, they call him 'A man of God'. This means a man that is in God, whom God is in him and who has a flavour of God that he can dispense to his generation. Now know this, their is a certain dimension, flavour of God that he wish to reveal through you and per generation, that is why you should never struggle to be anybody because they are only dispensing the flavour of God that He has deposited into them for a season and for his people. Now, I have digress a bit from our main focus, you see, the illustration is this, when it says we fellowship with innumerable company of angels, this is what I got from the illustration placed before me.  The Sun denotes Christ, the believers are the moon and the stars denotes the innumerable numbers of angels we fellowship with. Now my main focus is on the moon, we believers like the moon have been found out not to have light of ourself or say in itself but reflect back the light we have recieved  just as the moon position itself to the sun. So this simply means its position to absorb light from the sun predispose it to act and be in person of the Sun at night. Please don't forget the similitude we have created earlier. Now the sun shines in the day. Remember the host of heavens were given for times and seasons. There is a time and season set for the Sun and the Moon. Jesus been on earth said He is the light of the world, then afterwards when He was departing He says we believers are now the light of the world. So we can see that we are now functioning in His person at this time and seasons we are. The moon though it can't be seen visible during the day is actually positioning itself to receive as much light it has the capacity to receive from the sun so that it can shine/ reflect this at the night/ dark hour. We as believers also are to position ourselves to absorb as much of Him as we can that we might reflect His person to our dark world. Now as the moon shine at night with stars surrounding it, we as believers are also shining at this night with innumerable company of angels who are ministering spirits at our disposal to execute and fulfil the mandate of the Father. The moon is not seen during the day but at night it comes out shinning at it best and fullest. Now as believers, we are in Christ and a new creature, so as we begin and continually behold his form, likeness, His person at this stage the world may not see us as who we are. Then when we behold His form as in a mirror and we begin to change, transform from one level of glory to another, then Christ begins to form in us and then we have Christ in us which is now our hope of glory. Note that at first we were in Him as a new creature but after wards as we behold His form and are being change into His form,then we have Him in us and He is our hope of glory. We need to get this that God is unlimited, we can never finish God only our thirst, hunger, capacity to receive can finish. As long as their is a vessel to be filled the oil keeps flowing, but once their is no place for more then the oil ceases to flow. Never relent and never you think you have gotten all of God that you need for yourself and your generation per time. He is a river of rivers that flows, He is never stingy with His blessing. It is the disposition of your heart and act that shows whether you need Him or you still want to get more of Him. Now back to the illustration, I was given as believers we are the light of the world and just as the moon can give light at any stage it is, whether as a crescent, half or full moon, we as believers can also shine our light at any stage we are in faith whether as a babe in Christ or we have attain maturity in Him. Looking at the moon, as it crescent phase , it shine it light, at it half phase it shines it light, then it comes to it fullest where it shines so brightly that we can literally see in the dark, that even a babe won't need being guarded. At that stage you can say a believer has attain a fullness in Him where he cannot be drive about by every wind of doctrine. Notice, every month, the moon keeps going/ growing in phases from the crescent stage to it fullness and then back to it small self again and then to it fullness where no cloud can dare cover it lightness. Now as believers we are also to be going through the phase. You see when you get to a peak or the fullness of dimension/ phase the Father wants you to get into, learn to humble yourself and reduce yourself to learn, be tutored and pour out yourself to be empty in order to grow into another dimension/ phase. So as the moon keeps going through one phase to another. We are to subject ourselves to behold His form  per times and seasons in order to transcend from one level of glory to another.
 I have much to say but I will rest here for now.
If you have any question, contribution please keep it coming.


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