
Showing posts from September 8, 2019

This is true value

Getting your needs met through self value. Growing up I have often heard people in my locality using quotes like; "Use what you have to get what you want" and I have grown up to the interpretation of this quote to be that a female uses her body part, that is having sex to get a certain favour or thing from a male counterpart and in other hand the male bribe his way to obtain favour. Both applies to both male and female anyway, depending on who they want to get the favour from.  After several years, now as a young man in his mid twenties, I have grow out of the mindset and ideology as I was to later found out in life, that the true interpretation of the quote is that the value in you, the potentials you have, that which is unique to you that other don't have, can be your selling point or your means of obtaining favour from men. I have come to the reality that one does not need to bend corners or orchestrate things through manipulation to get whatever he wants. I h


Medication For Depression.                                 Depression according to Merriam Webster Dictionary: : a state of feeling sad : a serious medical condition in which a  person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. : a period of time in which there is little  economic activity and many people do not have jobs.  Looking at this definition, you will find out that depression is a state of sadness in a man's life which could be attributed to hopelessness because he suddenly loses his self worth, image, esteem and value. It is also attributed to a medical condition in which a man feels sad, unimportant and hopeless, but let's get this straight. Depression unlike other medical condition is not something that can be cured using medicine whether conventional or unconventional. The antidepressants won't do you much good, what you need is to change the state of your being, It's a thing of the soul, whatever

Xenophobic attack in South Africa

Lesson Learnt: I have been ruminating for several days and wondering why a group of people who are majority in a country or place will suddenly rise up and form a sect based on the ideology that they own the land and should be in control of the happenings and events that occurs there. Many at times, this ideology has been the reason for bloodshed, destruction of life and properties, economic melt down, famine and many more. The climax of this is that the aftermath exceed the actual happenings, after this act and event might have been curb, it leads to high increase in depressed individual, suicide, drug abuse, malnutrition and many more, as the recipient of this happenings lose hope in life having lost all they loved and cared for. Now, to the lesson I learnt, I found out that right from the Bible days men tends to store up jealously and envy in their heart towards people that are prosperous especially when such individual or group is of another race, ethnic group, nation