
Medication For Depression.


Depression according to Merriam Webster Dictionary:
: a state of feeling sad

: a serious medical condition in which a  person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.

: a period of time in which there is little  economic activity and many people do not have jobs. 

Looking at this definition, you will find out that depression is a state of sadness in a man's life which could be attributed to hopelessness because he suddenly loses his self worth, image, esteem and value. It is also attributed to a medical condition in which a man feels sad, unimportant and hopeless, but let's get this straight. Depression unlike other medical condition is not something that can be cured using medicine whether conventional or unconventional. The antidepressants won't do you much good, what you need is to change the state of your being, It's a thing of the soul, whatever a man is, is the person of the soul and the soul consist of his will, emotions, thoughts and the likes. Mostly at times, what causes this state are the listed factors above, a man suddenly wakes up one day only to lose his self worth because of the happening and events in his life, this happenings could be joblessness, lose of passion for what he is doing, barrenness,  unhealthiness, lose of family member, properties, investment and all he has labour or aspire for. Through seeing a psychologist, many have be able to manage their depression but most are not cured from it.
What most people don't understand is that unrestlessness and instability in a man's soul brings about this state, the desire to have more, be in control, urge for power, labouring more for provision, longings to have what is lacking at the present time and many more has cause this unrestlessness in our soul. Many have configure or had their mind configure by their environment, the things they see, ear, perceive to take some certain standard as a measure for their self worth. So the need/ thrive to be like someone, be in a certain hierarchy and the likes is pushing many into depression, some other have placed their value and self worth on their possession wife's, children, investment, jobs, properties, assets, little wonder when they lose any of this, they suddenly lose hope in life and when this depressed state gets to a certain limit/ breaking point, many tends to be drug addicts, abusers, criminals and most at times, many commits suicide. There is a one and thousand reason why a man could suddenly be depressed each based on the environment and other influential factors in such individual life.

Now one thing is certain, no man wants to be depressed, everyone wants a happy and hitch free life if possible, but unfortunately daily event and happenings predisposes one to this condition.

For everyone depressed, get this straight, that we as humans were not made for struggle, rest was made for man and everything that we needed for life and godliness has been deposited and given to us by providence. You are never to measure yourself by standards given to you by society, your true value is in yourself and not in any man. You see, whatever evil (this is, whatever is not good or does not impact you positively) finds it way into your heart if not restricted will find it resident in a man and entrapped the soul of the man and just like a parasite it starts killing the host gradually without the host noticing, that is why the Holy Bible instructs us to guard our heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issue of life. Whatever and whoever has influence on a man's mind owns the man.

You see, a merry heart doeth like medicine that is why a man should never yield his joy or attach his source of joy to the happening and events in the world. Everything around has been corrupted and have been configure to sow seeds of frustration, loss of value into a man's heart and this keeps eating his soul up daily until he sudden breaks into a depressed state. Measuring one value with vanities that suddenly grow wings and fly away will surely predispose us to depression. Therefore, a man should guard his mind from everything that sows the seed of discord into his heart. Whatever takes a man's joy has killed him, it might not be visible at the time but it surely will.
Now take this from me, if you are not finding fulfilment in your job, it is better you quit and find something you are passionate about than getting frustrated and depressed in the long run.
If your relationship is not working out, break out of it, before you destroy your life.
Don't surround yourself with people that kill your dream and aspiration.
The worth and measure of a man is by what has been deposited in him by providence, that is the intangibles that are resident in him and never by the tangible he has or can be seen.
People will never value you more than you value yourself, so create a good self image of yourself, it is has a man thinks in his heart so is he, you don't have to have millions in your account to act and think like a millionaire, think of yourself as one, because you are one, the deposits in you by providence can never be seen anywhere that is why it is unique to you.
Think right, act right and live right.

Stay tuned for more dosage/ medication for depression.


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