
Getting It Right

Redefining purpose. Just recently, after camping at the NYSC orientation camp at Adamawa. I redeployed back to Oyo state and I was posted to a govt. Secondary School at the capital. I was disappointed on getting to the school because the structure was an eyesore. I was planning on getting rejected and get a letter of request to work in a private organisation instead, but somehow I just find myself not been able to summon courage to ask for a rejection based on the fact that an accommodation would not be provided although is wasn't far from my house, I just needed an alibi. Now, skip to when school resumed back after the session break, I resumed to the school, not still feeling good about it, my first day was a interesting one, I met people especially a teacher who made me feel accepted and not odd. After the assembly, it was time for the student to engage themselves in manual labour(that is, weeding) and I just found my self smiling and excited within, I was reminiscing on my

Redefining your value.

*What great value I've learnt* Prior to the time I was to be posted for my youth service. I was suppose to have graduated a year earlier and gone for service that year, but unfortunately, I had a delay and the plans I had earlier made with a friend on the service year  was forfeited. My delay was not attributed to the fact that I had a carry over in my exams but because I decided not to go for a practical course that I counted irrelevant to my course of study and unknown to me, it was a university course that can't be waived. So I had to pay a session school fees again and got delayed over a 1 unit practical course that I thought won't matter. *Lesson learnt: Ignorance kills.  That which you think doesn't matter could be the reason for your fall/ rising*. I was disappointed in myself, and as I saw my colleagues posting pictures of themselves in camp on our WhatsApp platform, I felt I was a failure. *Note: You are never a failure because you fail, you are only a

This is true value

Getting your needs met through self value. Growing up I have often heard people in my locality using quotes like; "Use what you have to get what you want" and I have grown up to the interpretation of this quote to be that a female uses her body part, that is having sex to get a certain favour or thing from a male counterpart and in other hand the male bribe his way to obtain favour. Both applies to both male and female anyway, depending on who they want to get the favour from.  After several years, now as a young man in his mid twenties, I have grow out of the mindset and ideology as I was to later found out in life, that the true interpretation of the quote is that the value in you, the potentials you have, that which is unique to you that other don't have, can be your selling point or your means of obtaining favour from men. I have come to the reality that one does not need to bend corners or orchestrate things through manipulation to get whatever he wants. I h


Medication For Depression.                                 Depression according to Merriam Webster Dictionary: : a state of feeling sad : a serious medical condition in which a  person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. : a period of time in which there is little  economic activity and many people do not have jobs.  Looking at this definition, you will find out that depression is a state of sadness in a man's life which could be attributed to hopelessness because he suddenly loses his self worth, image, esteem and value. It is also attributed to a medical condition in which a man feels sad, unimportant and hopeless, but let's get this straight. Depression unlike other medical condition is not something that can be cured using medicine whether conventional or unconventional. The antidepressants won't do you much good, what you need is to change the state of your being, It's a thing of the soul, whatever

Xenophobic attack in South Africa

Lesson Learnt: I have been ruminating for several days and wondering why a group of people who are majority in a country or place will suddenly rise up and form a sect based on the ideology that they own the land and should be in control of the happenings and events that occurs there. Many at times, this ideology has been the reason for bloodshed, destruction of life and properties, economic melt down, famine and many more. The climax of this is that the aftermath exceed the actual happenings, after this act and event might have been curb, it leads to high increase in depressed individual, suicide, drug abuse, malnutrition and many more, as the recipient of this happenings lose hope in life having lost all they loved and cared for. Now, to the lesson I learnt, I found out that right from the Bible days men tends to store up jealously and envy in their heart towards people that are prosperous especially when such individual or group is of another race, ethnic group, nation

Purposeful living

Living your life right. Remember you are born to fill a vacuum in life. Begin to live the life you were created for. It is lack of identity that makes you want to be like another person if you know your true inheritance in Christ you will not thrive to pattern your life after a TV celebrity. Lack of identity will make you to think that  if you were born in a rich man's house your life will have been better. Riches is good but it can only buy you bed and not sleep, doctors and no health, cars and not safe journey. Riches and fame can grow wings and fly away like a bird so do not depend on them. There is a great entity that can give you all this but you must first seek after him and it is only through one entity you can seek after him. His name is Jesus it is only in Him that you can find true riches and fulfilment accept him today and you are sure to have a smooth ride to an eternal life just make Him the driver of your life and relax while he drives you to safety.

Think Positively

Making a difference. Remember as a man thinketh in his mind so is he: It a bright new day friends make sure you try your best to make meaningful use of your time, you can only reap what you sow, please be wise, use your time wisely. Please change what and the way you think; think positively today and beyond and smile to yourself at the end. Believe that you can do that thing that looks impossible, believe in yourself but foremost believe in the word of God because it is the power that can change your destiny. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Creating A Positive Image

Breaking free from low self esteem. The sun shines at day and the moon shines at night. Every breaking of the day brings a new beginning. Forget about the mistakes of yesterday and think of a greater tomorrow. Someone might be better than you today but do not cheat yourself by thinking he or she is better than me "I cannot be good as him or her", work on your self esteem and carry yourself with dignity because there is only one person on earth with that personality and that person is you. Even though the sun shines brighter than the moon yet each one serves its own purpose. Discover you purpose in life and you will never be at the mercy of self pity.

Wisdom Nuggets

Get inspired today. Do not celebrate your achievement has a master in any field you occupy in kosmos. If you haven't affected a life positively with that which you possess in you. Man by providence has been given the power to change his world; I believe that through the power of meditation, man can achieve great feats. That you are not loved by everyone doesn't make you a nobody, it only means you are not in their class of reasoning. So my dear friend leave them alone rather than trying to impress them and mingle with people who appreciate you for who you are. Never give up, just keep pushing and refiring, history is about to begin with you, the writers are waiting to write your biography. Just keep your focus on what you believe in and never relent because the story has just begun. You are born to create a difference and the difference start now. You are giving everything to  succeed in life, it only depends on your view of life, if you see it as a place o

Live your Life and no another's

Get out of the local niche My dad gave me this piece of advice while growing up and it has helped  me thus far; he said, " Never pretend to be who you are not because you do not know who might want to help". If you are around folks that do not accept you for who you are then just turn your back and walk head straight up. Do not try to bend to their rules because that implies you are living another person's life at the detriment of yours. You deserve to be celebrated and it is only those that value your real self that can celebrate you truly.